Note:in the lower portion of this page contains doll nudity....if you are easily offended by Doll nudity please don't venture further...
That sounded very silly.
Now back to my last blog I said I made mistakes...first mistake was
buying a wig that I thought would be perrrfect.....but
once I had it on her it looked so big and puffy
It was not going to work. So I was going to have to make a wig or reroot.
Rerooting is tedious! OMg.. so tedious!
But if you've ever worked on one of the Cam kit Monster highs you know
it could only be a partial reroot because the top of the head is a hard plastic.
SO... it's gonna have to be half reroot
and half applied/glue.
But this way I could also add a few different shades of color.
I started with painting the scalp.
(Most dolls have this,makes the hair look fuller)
Then the rooting and applying... it added a whole extra day to this doll
and it was I think 95 degrees that day and I was sitting under a
Super bright light
but the results were favorable.
There are Great hair rooting tutorials on youtube

. And then I noticed THIS...
the paint on the legs was peeling and scraping off!!!!!!!!
UGH!... NOooooo.. make it stop!.. :(
I had used a layer of Mr. Super Clear for the base
But it wasn't working...
maybe it was the humidity?
I took a deep breath wiped the sweat off my brow
and said Lets do this again!!
this time I put a layer of Liquitex Matte Medium down
it's for non-porous surfaces to make to paint stick!
and BACK to the drawing board!
This also let me try a new technique I saw on Youtube
where you spray a light mist of water and then lay a coat of airbrush paint on top
while it's still wet.It creates the illusion of water droplets!

Meanwhile back in Modor
I had added more shading and Veins to the face and took her outside for another coat of sealer
At this point
I was pretty darn Happy with the results...
SEE, Never give up!

I wanted the legs to look murky,like she had been standing in water
for a very Long period of time.
So what have we learned ..
- Firstly have a plan 'B'...things might work fabulously in your head ...but in real life not so much.
- Know your product . What works on one thing might not work on another...... So Mr. Super clear works great for the base on faces..but maybe not so much on plastics :/
- Try again.. always try again!.........The second time might even come out better then the first!
I've never known of anyone who got congratulated for throwing
in the towel.
And Here is the Finished piece ....Sigh of relief :)
And if you've read this far , I Thank You!