A New Video I put up today. It's about lip staining or lip blushing which ever you prefer
It's really for beginners.
I think a lot about these videos and what I can show a broader audience that maybe can't buy professional materials.So this is that kind of video
It's really for beginners.
I think a lot about these videos and what I can show a broader audience that maybe can't buy professional materials.So this is that kind of video
Now don't read past this part, if you just want to see the video and be on your Happy way :)
Slight rant about You-tubing,
Here's the thing, I started making videos so that my nieces could see them.We don't live very close and I wanted them to see what I do. They are all under 12 and I thought maybe this could bridge some miles between us.
I also realized that when I started customizing and repainting dolls 8 or so years ago there were a couple of really giving folks that shared their knowledge unselfishly and if you do this kind of stuff you KNOW it. Not everything you learned first hand.
{Legend of the Valkyrie TUTORIALS <---the oldest most helpful one I know of.. you can Thank me later ;)
Now through the years I've learned a lot of stuff through trial and error and just down right FAILING.
So I have a lot of knowledge that maybe useless in the real world but for crafty, arty and doll customizing it's Da Bomb.
I figured this is how I can give back a little , maybe it's worth something to someone.. maybe..
I knew going in I was going to get criticized.
You-Tubing is not for everyone. People and children say mean things for what seems to be no reason...... and frankly that just SUX.
I was afraid at first my nieces would see things said about their aunt that would upset them.
It's the equivalent to..
Being a bus driver in a new town and people get on the bus saying things like..
"Ugh your hat is UGLY!"..."I think bus drivers are SATAN worshipers!"..." why on EARTH would you want to drive a BUS?!"........ but then someone will get on the bus and say "This was VERY Helpful!"... and "Thank You for the ride,it would have been a really long walk home :)"
Still wondering if my 12 yr old niece had seen the comments or the videos .
She mentioned that She herself would like to make videos... trying to Sway her Away from it
I said to her "It's hard to make videos sometimes,people can say mean things"
and she said " there are a lot more nice comments about you then bad"
Yep,I got schooled by a 12yr old.
well if you got this far,surely you deserve a cookie... or at least a Thank you :)